This week I’m honored by Regina Walker’s request to write a guest post for her blog. I chose the topic of how God is helping me get to the root of, and re-configure my perfectionist tendencies. Here is an excerpt. Please click the link to read the rest – I promise the info in this post is more than worth it!
I am enough because HE is enough
Throughout my life, I have often felt like I am less than enough – not good enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough, not perfect enough. As a teenager, I spent ours looking at myself in the mirror and going over all the things I was lacking in the physical department.
When I went to college, the feeling of not being enough morphed into an unhealthy perfectionism about my work. I recognize that now as a bad case of imposter syndrome – where I felt like I wasn’t good enough to be there, but had to keep up a perfect facade so no one would realize it. I would torture myself staying up all night, rereading and rewriting my papers over and over again. At one point it got so bad that I actually missed a deadline and got put on academic probation.
Thankfully, for the past few years God has been making me increasingly aware of the spiritual lie at the root of this feeling. I still clearly recall the morning a couple of years back when this lie that held power over my life for so long was shattered for good.
Ever get stuck inside your own head? Well that’s where I was. I had finally made it through a tumultuous master’s degree program and into a teaching career only to be plagued with doubts that I didn’t belong and couldn’t handle everything that was expected of me, or even the standards I wanted to hold myself to. It was a beautiful, golden morning, with the sun rising colorfully over the hills and valleys of Middle Tennessee where I live. I was on my way to work at my new job as a high school English teacher. But…CONTINUE READING…