Don’t let the enemy win. Knock his teeth down his throat with this prayer!!
Some of you know the struggles my family is going through recently. Often, it seems there’s no end in sight. And of course those are the times when the enemy of our souls sends his messages…
What are you doing? Believing in God! What is HE doing for YOU?? You should just give up. You are a fool. There’s no GOD! And if you’re not careful, he’ll suck you down into that hopeless blackhole in a heartbeat.
But not so fast. If you’ll look back over your life, you’ll begin to see ALL the times God was there for you. You will be able to track all the chaos he’s carried you through.
You and God have a special heart-to-heart connection that Satan and all his lies cannot take away! If you are going through hard times, pray with me.
Lord, I choose to believe in you. Even when others tell me you aren’t who you’re supposed to be. Even when they say, no loving God would let catastrophes happen to his children.
Lord I choose to trust you. I publicly confess trust in your greater plan.
I choose to cling to you. I choose to believe in your sovereignty and goodness.
I thank you for the myriad ways you have provided for me all my life. I believe you are providing for me now.
I lift up my hands to you. I receive the Light of your presence, even when the days are dark in the natural.
I receive your Joy. I receive your peace that passes our capability to understand. I receive your unending, all-encompassing Love.
Thank you Jesus!