Easter Storm
Easter morning.
I feel it coming like the rumbling
of a tombstone smashing into a skull
that symbolized death;
a Sun rising like
the voices of 10,000
angels chanting Holy, Holy, Holy
is the Lord Almighty.
The whole earth fills
with His glory…
something else…
What is that thumping?
It’s the sound of Jesus
The story: I wrote this poem when I basically combined my perception of Jesus’ anger against evil (ie., turning over the tables of the money changers and sellers who were making a marketplace out of the temple) and what I imagined might have happened just before Jesus rose on Easter morning. I haven’t historically been great at writing poems about Jesus but it is a goal of mine to do more of them. This one was really fun to write! Let me know if you enjoyed it and if you have any suggestions for writing poems about Jesus in the comments below.