I’ve been practicing some visualization lately to help me let go of things.
I envision my inner self sitting on the bank of a waterway. When doubts, worries, and “should haves” come, I see them as petals or leaves in my hand. Then, I simply tip my hand over into the water, release them and watch them flow downstream.
I’m trying to teach myself that I can let go of my days; stop crunching so hard. Honestly, it’s exhausting. But then, if you struggle with anxiety and perfectionism, you know all about it.
I don’t know about you, but I am a list maker. Making lists is a way that I control my universe. The problem is that nine times out of 10 everything on the list doesn’t get completed, and that adds a lot of stress to my life. In the back of my mind, I wonder…I question my self-worth and the worth of this day due to what I see as potentially wasted time and unmet responsibilities. But a comforting promise I’ve learned to believe is that God doesn’t waste anything (Ecclesiastes 11:1).
A long time ago as I was asking God to help me with depression, he showed me something – positive energy is of God while negative energy is of evil. As long as we keep sending out positivity and let the things we do each day be done in the name of God with positivity behind them, we are always making an impact in the world for good. And that impact cannot be erased.
In the same way that raindrops falling into the ocean become part of a larger force, such actions contribute to all the other positive energy in the world, and that is the way negative energy is being fought.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the Darkness [isn’t able to overcome it].” – John 1:5
So, when I look over all those lists I’ve made, and it seems there’s so much to accomplish, and night falls and I still didn’t get half of it done because 10 or 20 new things cropped up on top of an already unrealistic stack – I can open my hand and let go of the things that did not get done; even the things that may never get done.
I can let them flow like petals down the stream of life. I can choose to trust that the actions I took today, and perhaps even more importantly the spirit in which I took them, made a positive impact on the world. And in the day God gives me tomorrow, I can do it all again. I am enough because he is enough.