Last night, I remarked to my husband a sentiment I hear echoed all around me:
It is getting more and more difficult to extract truth and have clear vision through all the bullshit we are daily fed by the media (and that refers to all outlets).
Lately it seems everyone from politicians to corporate executives has decided to harness the power of “spinning” the truth. Even our friends and family members spread conspiracy theories and half-truths that make us angry and fearful. Sometimes that’s on purpose; sometimes they’re just projecting their own fear and anger.
But the Bible, a text which if you know me, you know I cling to even more in these uncertain times, tells us turmoil is going to happen in the world. We can expect it. But then it says that when we hear all the bad news, “don’t let your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid.”
Kelly, you say, are you joking? How am I supposed to stop my heart from being afraid? Have you seen the news lately?
My answers to these questions are yes, I’ve seen the news, and you’re not supposed to stop your heart from being afraid. I have tried that strategy and please trust me, it does not work!
We are meant instead to place our confidence in the One who has it all under control.
We are told that “God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all.” I don’t know about you, but I sure could use some light right now. There are so many shadows, so many dark corners. So when I read this verse, it reminds me exactly what I have to do in order to have the light I seek. I have to live close to God.
Lately, I’ve been using a mix of regular devotions, gratitude journaling and prayer. When we say “prayer,” we tend to think it means asking for things we want or need. However, even though God encourages us to ask for things in prayer, this is not the purpose of prayer.
Okay, you say, then what is the purpose?
The purpose of prayer is really to get closer and deepen our relationship with God.
And as we draw near to him, as with any relationship, he will also draw near to us .
I challenge you this week to give everything you are worried about, that is stressing you out, that you don’t understand to God. If it helps, sometimes I use visualization with this. I place my worries into balloons and walk outside holding their imaginary strings in my hands. Then, I open my hand, release, and watch them float up.